EPAB - European patent applications and specifications
歐洲專利申請書和說明書資料庫,包含書目資料,全文(EP-A )和獲證的專利(EP-B)
- 文件類型
EP-A1, A2, A3 European patent applications and
EP-A8 and A9 corrected European patent applications
EP-B1 and B2 granted European patents and
EP-B8 and B9 corrected European patents
EP-B3 Limitations
- 檢索欄位
ABE English abstract
ABF French abstract
ABG German abstract
AD Application date
AN Application number
CIT Citation (Patent +NPL)
CLE English claims
CLF French claims
CLG German claims
CNAP NPL (applicant)
CNEP NPL (examination phase)
CPAP Patent (applicant)
CPAT Patent
CPEP Patent (examination phase)
DAN Divisional application data
DC Correction date
DEE English description
DEF French description
DEG German description
DP Publication date
DS Designated states
EP Publication number
ET English title
FFD First filing date
FT French title
FULLTEXT Full text
GT German title
ICA Classifications advanced level
ICAA Classifications advanced level - Additional information
ICAI Classifications advanced level - Invention information
INV Inventor
IPC Classifications (all)
KI Document kind
NP Priority number
PA Applicant/Grantee
PAN Parent application data
PD Priority date
PRESENCE Total entries in index
PUA A1-A2 Publication date
PUA3 A3 Publication date
PUB1 B1 Publication date
PUB2 B2 Publication date
PUB3 B3 Publication date
PUBL Publication by the EPO
RP Representative
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